Jim Muldowney, Arranmore Island, Co Donegal.


Mallagh Depth 9-15m (Carraig an Bhealaigh)
A large prominent light marker that stands at the entrance to Arran roads. This small island can be dived on all sides with large boulders and is full of sea life

The Greek (Eleftherios) Depth 6-9m
A large cargo steamer with boiler, winch, anchor and propeller still visible. A great second or third dive.

Lighthouse Steps Depth 10-20m
Easier accessed by sea. Sheer walls and gullies and overhangs make this a great dive.

The Grotto Depth 10-40m
A large pinnacle rock where you can drop down to 40m if desired to a sandy floor leading back up along a series of large “steps ” in the rock to bring you along large boulders and dead end wall, rise up to 6m to go over top and do safety stop along a kelp bed. A personal favourite.

Green Island Depth 10-40m
Another spectacular dive area. On the west side the sheer wall drops of quickly to 40m leading to a large gully giving sheer walls, at the end brings you to an open cave with pebble beach and you can see the black vertical rock seam that cuts through Green Island and Arranmore.

The Skijford Depth 30m
A large trawler that went down in the 80s. She lies on her starboard side nestled beside a reef. The boat is intact with trawl nets at the stern and propeller still visible. The wreck is festooned with anemones and a few large congers.

Pollawaddy Pier Depth 9-15m
A small harbour pier that provides easy access for a shore dive Swim through entrance to sand and boulders turn and follow contour. Large cave entrance, torch essential.

Béal an Chrois Depth 22m
A large pebble beach. Access is difficult on land so boat is the best approach. Beautiful gullies and sand bottom, crevices jammed packed with crabs.

The Moon Pool Depth 10-20m
A small bay that holds a fantastic dive with gullies, caves and one with a blow hole that resembles the moon

The Black Hole Depth 10-20m
This is the main channel between Burtonport and Arranmore Island. Probably to best drift dive in Ireland and needs to be timed correctly as will go from nice drift to washing machine very quickly! Steep sides, large boulders and plenty of nooks and crannies so bring a torch. Plenty of old bottles, pottery etc as there were herring factories on both sides of the channel in the distant past.

The above are just a few of the many dive sites around Arranmore. There’s also Roan Inis and Owey to explore!

Paradise Cavern Depth 15-25m
Known near and far as one of the best dives in Ireland. This cavern is situated on the north corner of Arranmore near Tor rock. If photography is your thing, this is the place for you.

Torneady Point Depth 15-40m
Plenty of sheer faces, overhangs and gullies make this a popular dive

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During your visit to Donegal’s Wild Atlantic Way, why not come along and experience one of the many marine activities which we offer on ‘Elsie Jayne’ our charter boat.

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